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Ise Jingu is the most prestigious shrine in Japan

Ise Jingu’s main shrine in the ancient “Yuiitsu Shinmei-zukuri” style

Ise shrine, commonly known as Oise-san, is the most prestigious shrine in Japan and is the “hometown of the heart for Japanese people”.

Ise shrine, commonly known as Oise-san, is the most prestigious shrine in Japan and is the “hometown of the heart for Japanese people”.

Ise worship was very popular during the Edo period and nowadays about 8 million people still visit every year.

Some of Ise Jingu’s traditional buildings

Naiku & Geku shrine at Ise Jingu

Ise Jingu has two shrines: Naiku (内宮) and Geku (外宮).

Naiku has a 2000 year history and a higher importance. It enshrines Amaterasu Omikami (天照大御神), the omnipotent Japanese Goddess who is likened to the sun.

Geku has a 1500 year history and enshrines Toyoukeno Omikami (豊受大御神), the guardian deity of industry and is responsible for the the meals of Amaterasu Omikami.

Nature surrounding the shrines

The Ise Jingu shrine architecture

The shrine buildings are an architectural marvel using cypress, called Yuiitsu Shinmei-zukuri (唯一神明造), an ancient Japanese architectural style.

In order to maintain its beauty, the shrine is rebuilt once every 20 years and a celebration is held. It is called Shikinen Sengu (式年遷宮) which  means ‘the periodic reconstruction of a shrine’. The next sengū festival will be held in 2033.

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